the energy
gap Continue
closing the
Compressed air installation of more than 5 years old has an average 20% of air leakages.
Unloaded hrs
Compressors running unloaded consumes on average 25% of its total power.
1 shift production: 28% possible energy savings
2 shifts production: 9% possible energy savings
Central controller
Reduction of 1 bar netpressure results in 7% energy savings. Our central controllers (ES) will help you to reduce your pressure band to a minimum.
ES 4i/6 (sequencer): 4% average energy savings
Latest technologies (upgrade)
Compressor controller: Latest version will reduce unloaded hrs and will give an energy savings up to 2%.
Motor exchange: Latest motor technology can bring you up to 2% additional energy savings.
Energy recovery
Use the heat of the compressor to generate hot water.
Compressors running at full load (24/7) will give you on average 80% of energy savings.